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The stream

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The stream Empty The stream

Post  Raijin Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:16 pm

There was a stream (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny stream (Echo)
And the stream was on it;s way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that stream (Echo)
There was a bank (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny bank (Echo)
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on it's way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that bank (Echo)
There was a rock (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny rock (Echo)
And the rock was on the bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on it's way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that rock (Echo)
There was a boy (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny boy (Echo)
And the boy was on the rock
And the rock was on the bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on it's way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that boy (Echo)
There was a arm (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny arm (Echo)
And the arm was on the boy
And the boy was on the rock
And the rock was on the bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on i';s way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that arm (Echo)
There was a hand (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny hand (Echo)
And the hand was on the arm
And the arm was on the boy
And the boy was on the rock
And the rock was on the bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on it's way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that hand (Echo)
There was a rod (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny rod (Echo)
And the rod was on the hand
And the hand was on the arm
And the arm was on the boy
And the boy was on the rock
And the rock was on the bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on it's way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that rod (Echo)
There was a line (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny line (Echo)
And the line was on the rod
And the rod was on the hand
And the hand was on the arm
And the arm was on the boy
And the boy was on the rock
And the rock was on the bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on it's way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that line (Echo)
There was a hook (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny hook (Echo)
And the hook was on the line
And the line was on the rod
And the rod was on the hand
And the hand was on the arm
And the arm was on the boy
And the boy was on the rock
And the rock was on the bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on it's way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that hook (Echo)
There was a worm (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny worm (Echo)
And the worm was on the hook
And the hook was on the line
And the line was on the rod
And the rod was on the hand
And the hand was on the arm
And the arm was on the boy
And the boy was on the rock
And the rock was on the bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on it's way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Now on that worm (Echo)
There was a fish (Echo)
Just a teeny weeny fish (Echo)
And the fish was on the worm
And the worm was on the hook
And the hook was on the line
And the line was on the rod
And the rod was on the hand
And the hand was on the arm
And the arm was on the boy
And the boy was on the rock
And the rock was on the bank
And the bank was on the stream
And the stream was on it's way...
And the moon shone high in the clear blue sky
And all was bright and gay

Number of posts : 209
Age : 31
Location : ASL
Points : 428
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-11-20

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